Thursday, March 31, 2011

List of Nevers

Do you ever wonder how on earth you've gotten to where you are today?   There is a well known quote that I love, that says "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."  Well, He has definitely laughed, with yours truly supplying at least some sort of mild entertainment.
I had a running list of things that I would never do, and it is quite ironic that I have done just about all of them.  I vowed never to live in Atlanta after college and working at the Wesley Foundation.  I wanted to get away from this big city and its sprawling suburbs, desiring to live in a smaller town.  Current zipcode where Steven bought our house: yup, definitely Atlanta.  Did I resent this at first? (well, maybe...but I love it here now!)

I would never go back to school again.  I enjoy learning, but I was certain that this part of my life was over.  The thought of having APA as my best friend again or doing any sort of graduate work was nauseating.  Today, my current occupation is student.  One year to go, woo-hoo!

I swore up and down that I would have nothing to do with teenagers, with all their puzzling behavior and endless drama.  I love college-aged kids, with their zeal for life and semi-awkward confidence in knowing what they want, but still being open to change.  But high schoolers, absolutely not!  I can remember telling other people emphatically "I simply don't do that age.  Its not my thing".  Well, God is having a good ole time up there, because recently, Steven and I have felt led by the Lord to invest into the youth in our church, along with others who simultaneously had this desire.  It's an adventure for all of us, as we dive into a not so typical, "ain't your mama's" youth group, with the majority of the kids being immigrants.  Quite the contrast from your typical, all-white, middle class youth group.

I think I'm relearning this lesson here as I type.  Basically, making a list of "nevers" is something that you can adamantly articulate and express to the Lord, but if you want to live a life for Him that is full of awe and wonder, He will almost always make you eat your words.  (Well, at least in my experience.) 

To close, I will leave you with one of my favorite verses, that touches on the ever-present suspense and joy that we can anticipate with knowing our God.  It's awesome, and I pray that it would give you some comfort if you're experiencing the turbulence of a "never" right now.. 

II Corinthians 2:9 
"Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him."

PS: I left off 1 more never: promising myself that I would never go on Eharmony...well, I have to say its the best 60 bucks I have ever spent in my life, and I thank God for it which gave me the gift of Steven!

Hands-down, best indirect result of one of my nevers coming true: