Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Gift

The main reason why Steven bought our house is because of our church, Open Table.  He always gives great advice to those who are house shopping- find a church that God has called you to, and then move accordingly.  It makes sense, right?  Steven felt like if we lived too far away from our church, we would struggle with loneliness and not feeling connected because of physical distance.  We desire to live life with others and its crazy how God worked it out- we can literally walk to our church in about 7 minutes.  We certainly don't have the whole church thing figured out and are still trying to achieve fellowship and community with others.

Last summer our good friends Ian and Ruthie North, who are missionaries and live in an apartment complex with immigrants, asked our church for volunteers.  Their goal was to have people pick up the kids who attend their after school program from their apartment and take them to church on Sundays.  This is when we met sisters Susan and Astry.  They have brought life and joy into our somewhat predictable lives.  They are bubbly and vivacious which is always a contrast to our introverted-ness.  They have introduced us to the tunes of Justin Bieber and I'm pretty sure Steven is not necessarily thankful for this.  Astry affectionately calls him "quiet dude", and I can't help but smile.  These girls have also opened up our eyes to their reality and it has forced us to wrestle with and confront our comfortable, middle-class white world.  As we have grown in our love and relationship with them, we have prayed that the Gospel would be revealed to their hearts and that they would truly "get it".  

While Steven and I were on vacation, we found out that Susan had become a Christian.  We were certainly excited, but we did not know what was coming next.  I got a text from Susan this past Sunday, saying that she had bad news as we were on our way to pick them up for church.  Astry was sick and stayed home, but Susan told us about how her family was unable to pay their rent, and that they were going to have to move out and leave Georgia this week.  We were heartbroken because we have loved them and anticipated witnessing what God would do in their lives as they grow up.  At the end of the service at church, we honored Susan by speaking words of encouragement over her and prayed for her.  It was a rich and sweet time, and I do not know if Susan has ever been honored in such a way. 

Later on that day, Steven and I unexpectedly received a financial gift, designated for the youth group.  It was a big chunk of change sitting in our hands.  It just so happened that it was the exact amount that Susan and Astry's family needed so they wouldn't get evicted the next day.  Another great aspect of this story is that when Steven went to make the money order for the family's rent, he did not realize that this requires a fee.  The business only takes cash and he didn't have any extra.  The lady who was making the transaction briefly talked to her fellow employee, and then told him that they would do so with no charge.  The Lord beautifully orchestrated all the little details because He loves those girls so much. 

We are amazed at how God sees the needs of mankind, and can swiftly make provision for those who see no way out.  Steven tried to explain to Susan and Astry's mother through Susan translating that this truly is a gift with no need to repay, because the money we were given was never ours.  The girls can now finish out the school year without being abruptly pulled from their class and can leave with closure.  Even though they are planning to move away as soon as school is out, we are praying that God would use this to draw their entire family to Jesus.  We are deeply saddened that they are leaving, but embrace the gift that Susan and Astry have been to all of us at Open Table.